
EXTREME WEATHER: Powerful Storm System Blasts Western United States, Marches Eastward - Eight Killed; Hundreds Of Accidents; Widespread Snowfall, Freezing Temperatures And Gusty Winds; Will Threaten East Coast With Nightmarish Conditions During Thanksgiving Holidays!

November 24, 2013 - UNITED STATES - A powerful storm system that has caused hundreds of accidents across the Western U.S. has marched eastward with predictions of widespread snow, freezing temperatures and gusty winds. (Weather Underground/ Associated Press ) - This NOAA satellite image taken Friday, Nov. 22, 2013 at 02:00 p.m. EST shows a storm system on the southern jet moving into the the desert southwest.This is producing heavy rains in Arizona...


Will the government and media inform the masses immediately in time of disaster?!

When disasters occur, will the government and media inform the public immediately? A blast in CNOOC (China National Offshore Oil Corp) Huizhou refinery, a brand of Daya Bay nuclear power plant in China’s Guangdong province –– occurred at around 4.10 on 11 July 2011. The reason was that 3 pumps at the bottom of the refinery tower broke into fire. When the fire broke out, Huizhou refinery fire services, Daya Bay fire services, petrolchemical logistics fire services and CNOOC and Shell fire services with more than 40 fire engines participated...


Disasters happened after the Transit of Venus on June 6 2012

Ancient Mayans had very accurate calendars. They could calculate the exact date of planet paths, eclipse, lunar eclipse and the transit of Venus 1,000 years ago. Their calendar calculated that the transit of Venus would appear at 6:12 on 6 June 2012 (HK time). The Mayan predicted that the world would experience intensive changes and frequent disasters after this transit. Disasters would continue until the end of the calendar, i.e....


Only through FAITH can you be taken by RAPTURE

Christianity is a belief that is based on faith and believes that God is the Creator. So, the authors of the Bible used faith as the main topic in the Bible for many times to remind the believers that they should always keep and use their faith, so as to have a right relationship with God; to be called righteousness in front of God; and to have various blessings promised by God. Romans 10:9;  Romans 5:1;John 3:18 If we wish to be pleased by God, we need to have the faith so as to fulfill the conditions of the promises of...


2012 Glorious Hope - Soli Deo Gloria: Disasters caused by the sin of man

2012 Glorious Hope - Soli Deo Gloria: Disasters caused by the sin of man: Deuteronomy 28 15 However, if you do not obey the LORD your God and do not carefully follow all his commands and decrees I am giving y...


That sinking feeling in Thailand

Telegraph poles poking out from the sea stand like graveyard memorials to the villagers that now lie beneath the waves. Environment campaigners Greenpeace say the fate of villages like these along Thailand’s gulf coast are firm evidence of rising sea levels triggered by global warming. They are warning the capital is also under threat. “Because this area is not far from Bangkok, this is an emergency matter which should make the Thai people aware of what’s happening.” In fact, Bangkok is facing a dual threat that Thai officials...


The Kolbrin Bible and Webbot Prediction Confirm Each Other

The Kolbrin bible, a historical Egyptian manuscript written 3600 years ago, recorded a lot about the last visit of Planet X (Destroyer), also in the time of Moses’ leading the Israelites out of Egypt, and the destructions and impacts brought by Planet X to Egypt and the earth. In fact, in recent years, the disasters and conditions of the world are really similar to those recorded in the Kolbrin bible! On the other hand, Webbot published the reports of “Future Recent History 2020” and “Your Last 26 days of life” on 29 January and 6 February...